Tuesday 15 December 2009

So: this Lisbon 'not a constitution'.

Grex wrote to his MP recently in something of a paddy about the Lisbon constitution. Put simply, I wanted a say and no bastard appears to want to let me have one. At 45 I am too young to have votes about our membership of the European Union and I don't see what we get for our £12 billion a year.

(Insert obligatory bit about liking the continent - I do, Italy especially - and having lots of European friends and relatives - I have).

I wanted a vote and I wanted every other adult in this country to have a vote and I am delighted I left the Liberal Democrats long before they perpetrated the treachery where they supported the Labour Party in opposing a referendum.

Not that the Conservatives covered themselves in glory. My MP Robert Goodwill was a honking disappointment. No, he wrote, there is no point in having referendum if the Conservatives come to power because it wouldn't have any effect.


Mr Goodwill blamed the Labour Party (as I do) but did the weazelly thing of saying that it was a done deal, could not be undone and that nice Mr Cameron would be 'repatriating important powers' come a Conservative government. Thing is, I don't believe him. I think the Conservatives will go Euro-native on this and on other matters, like public spending.

And what is the point of people like Mr Goodwill with their arses on the green benches if the place in which he sits can, by its own admission, do nothing about a treaty which Parliament passed in the teeth of opposition from the majority of the country? Seriously, what is the point of our Parliament and Government if it can't retrospcetively amend something as fundamental to our rights and liberties?

Mr Goodwill and Mr Cameron need to think about that and allow us our say on the EU. My vote for Mr Goodwill (and this is a marginal) depends on that. And I will damn well be leafletting this area about it between now and tha election.

Now go and support The Albion Alliance.

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